Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 11 - Breaking Free!

The hardest part of creating a collision in a bubble is getting the bubble to land in the basin without either blowing off of it, deflating, or popping before it anchors itself to the water. That takes up a good 75% of the time of preparation for the shot, and creates a host of problems of its own - adding soap to the basin from all the popped bubbles which affects the action of the dropping water; causing a delay which often allows the external flashes to go into sleep mode, thereby underexposing the shot when the camera is activated, etc.  But, the minor frustration is worth it when the timing is right and the image shows some real action!

I loved how this mushroom is managing to break free just before the bubble burst!


  1. I am just amazed :)

    I have a curiosity though, have you ever tried to take this kind of shots with a longer exposure? To catch some motion blur in the image. I cannot imagine what kind of effect may turn off.

    1. The exposure is stroboscopic. The duration of the exposure is based not on the shutter speed, but on the power setting of the external flash, which I have set to 1/128, the lowest setting, which allows the fastest exposure. It is about 1/23,000 of a second from what I've read. Any exposure much slower causes motion blur, and depending on what is being captured, it may not be a good thing. These water drop collisions happen so quickly that any real motion blur just causes loss of definition. I can try 1/64 on the flashes or 1/32 to see what happens. I can't promise anything, but I can try it. We'll see. :)

  2. Brave to do the soapbubble thing. I remember how Kim was struggling with them last time and how happy she was when the row of bubbles on her poster was completed.
    This breaking free is very dynamic, it goes beyond a drop in a soapbubble.

  3. This makes me think of a slug or a tortoise in a bonnet.

  4. LOVE this one--I think it's my favorite!

  5. This is pretty wild. I always think you can't come up with more and then you surprise me! I love how green the column is and then the transparent umbrella/dome with that soft lavender edge. Very pretty!

  6. How strange, the collision looks like it is writhing to be free...It wasn't alive was it?

  7. It's alive! It does look like some sort of slug escaping with a lavender veil. Thanks for the explanation, it's really interesting to read how you go through the process of creating these works of art.

  8. This looks like blown glass! So beautiful!! I cant wait till the 30 days is up, and I will vote on my favorite!! I know it will be a hard decision!
