Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 10 - Crown with Jet Collision

On my previous crown shots, I was asked to try removing the reflection on one, and to see if I could achieve a crown with an inner jet and collision.  Well, I worked at it, and am pleased with the results.  Getting that inner column, with a collision on it (albeit small), was no small feat.  But, SecretAtlantis and MadamMtnLion, here you go!  Your wish is my command.  :)


  1. So nice that you are willing to please! Yes his turned out beautifully. You are such a hard working soul to achieve perfection :)

  2. Wow, this one is amazing. The thinnest column and a collision that makes such a wonderful shape. I'm loving your photos!

  3. Oh this looks amazing, like a special cake on a tray with drops shooting out like fireworks. A grande finale to this row. I wonder if the next row will have plain white backgrounds again or something more surprising.

  4. This looks like an intricate, stunning, melted cheese collision! I love it and how you make it seem so easy although I know this must be supremely difficult to create.

  5. It looks like a mini volcano that is having an eruption. Wonderful!
