Monday, September 1, 2014

Day 1 - Lizard on a Mushroom

Water drop collisions are like clouds.  We can often "see" things within them or suggested by them.  I see a lizard-like reptile sitting on a mushroom.  What do you see?

Click on the image to see a larger view.  Enjoy the splash!  


  1. Pretty! If it had a green background, it might be confused as a poisonous mushromm (LSD?). :D

  2. I have been loving these for a while now and am looking forward to seeing a whole month of them! Are you saving for web in sRGB format? That works for me and I haven't had any weird issues.

    1. Thanks, Rick. Glad you've been enjoying them! Yes, I've been saving as sRGB all along. I just don't get it. :(

  3. Gorgeous shot! Beautiful colors and that splash is so cool. Well done

  4. Wow, what a fantastic and beautiful shape! You really have mastered these! What a great start to your challenge, and I really am looking forward to more.

  5. Wonderful, I love how the diagonal tail of drops breaks the centered composition.

  6. I may end up leaving two comments, as I dont see the one I just posted??...but its ok! This is fantastic!! I cant wait to see all 30 days of your creations! (and yes...I see the lizard too!!)

  7. Impressive stuff, Carol! Great color combination and splash. To me, it looks like a disintegrating graduation cap on a stand, although that makes no sense :D

  8. Oh, I am so impressed. You've been working hard and it shows. This is going to be an amazing month and you are going blast everyone away with these amazing photographs. Just wonderful!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I am wanting to experiment with this one day. Do you have a timer for your camera synced up with a dropper perhaps? I didn't see the lizard on the mushroom until you mentioned it, and I can definitely see it now. Will be looking for more abstract subjects in your future ones! Loving it already, but will you be able to keep it new and different? :)
